Judy Steven

Recently, Renee posted that she had worked with a pet with bladder cancer and someone who had a heart attack and has not had bypass surgery. Well that pet was mine and the person who had the heart attack is me! I would like to share our stories with you in hope that you will support her work. Someday, it may be you who could be writing this story because Renee had helped you in a similar way.

He was a Scottish Terrier and his name was Gordon Arthur Ruthveld. We called him Gordy. I got him when he was about 4 months old and he came to me sick with all kinds of worms. A trip to the vet and soon he was running, jumping and playing. He was a “gentle soul”, but one who could take a stand if he needed to. We walked several times a day along with Henry, my West Highland White. One day in 2009, we were all out for our walk and I happened to glance over and noticed that Gordy had blood in his urine. Ok, I thought, maybe he just has a urine infection, so off to the vet we go. We started off with an antibiotic to see if it would resolve itself. It helped as long as he was on the regimen, but kept coming back as soon as he was off of it. So we did a sonogram to see what was going on.

My eyes filled with tears and my heart sank as she showed me the film and explained that my precious dog had bladder cancer.  “He has about 3 months to live and we have no treatment for it.” I thanked her then I took Gordy home.

I don’t ever give up! The vet had no solution, but I vowed to find one.  I could love him, hold him, comfort him and give him Reiki every day, but I needed to do more.  So I called Renee. Immediately, she told me what product to order, what food to put him on, what products I could buy locally and how often to give them.  We were on our way.

One year later, another sonogram.  My vet was shocked. The tumor had not grown or moved. Gordy was not only surviving but was a happy, energetic pet. She told me that she didn’t know what I was doing, but to keep doing it! I kept tabs on Gordy on a daily basis, and Renee adjusted his protocol on and off as needed.  Another year passed, and I had another sonogram. The tumor was at the top of his bladder and now had moved down some but still nowhere close to blocking his urine flow. I attributed this movement to the vaccines that my vet gave Gordy against my wishes. I believe they compromised his immune system and in his state of health were not warranted. But he was still a happy, running, jumping energetic pet. He still had not displayed any sign of pain or distress. So I kept in contact with Renee on a regular basis and she instructed me anytime I needed to add or change his regimen.

Three years later, we had our last sonogram. It was May 24, 2012. A day I will never forget. The cancer had left the bladder and now was invading other parts of his body. I had to let my precious pet go. So I held him, loved him, and thanked him for the love he gave me in the 9 years we had together. Then just before he passed, I said, “I love you and will see you soon.” And 3 weeks later, I did just that!

Now to my story and “yes”, Gordy and I were together again. And guess who was there to pull me through it all. You guessed it, Renee.

I had just had a pedicure and was in the process of driving my friend, Jolie, home. We were leaving the parking area; I looked at her, said her name, and literally dropped dead. A massive heart attack, 100% occlusion. It took about 5 minutes for Jolie to get the car stopped, calm herself and get someone to call 911. This would be the first of 4 times that I would “code”.

I arrived at the hospital and was immediately sent to the cath lab. They inserted 2 stents to give me some form of blood flow. My daughter said I looked like a science experiment.  I was on life support, had tubes and pic lines all over my body and had even been placed under a thermal blanket to lower my temperature. I was turning gray and my oxygen levels were no more than 20-30% for over 8 hours!

While Renee and my daughter were waiting for the rest of the family to arrive, her intuition allowed her to see me in my “light body”. She told my daughter that she had to go “kick my ass before I got to the other side”. 


The doctor told my family that I had been oxygen depleted for so long that I was brain dead and could never be more than a vegetable and to remove me from life support. I had coded 3 more times and there wasn’t anything they could do to help me. But my friend Renee was able to speak with my family when they met with the doctor when they were discussing my probability of survival. Renee knew that the protocol for the thermal blanket was 72 hours and confirmed it with the doctor. He dismissed that it would do any good to continue, but she calmly talked to my daughter and family. Renee, who is highly intuitive, was able to communicate with me and knew that I needed three days to recover, of which she fought for. She told the Doctor,”You don’t know me, and you don’t know Judy and what we can accomplish together”.

Renee sat with me and gave me Reiki for hours. She monitored everything the hospital did for me and refused to let anyone tell me “goodbye”. She “communicated” with me and instructed the doctors and nurses what was going on with me. During our “communications”, I had told her that I needed three days to recover.  We were on our way.

Now comes the best part of this story. Renee is psychic and intuitive. She saw me standing in the doorway in my “light body” and told my family that she had to go talk to me. We walked down the hallway together as I told her how “cool” the other side was. She said she didn’t care how cool it was & to get myself back here! The she prayed for me. She told God all the reasons he should leave me here and that she needed him to send me back “whole”. And He did and as the saying goes,” With God, all things are possible”.  I was back and in three days, I could once again communicate with my family and friends. I was tired but it was as if nothing had happened to me. Everyone needs a “Renee” and friends like mine. So many of them also prayed for me and sent me Reiki. I am blessed.

But the story doesn’t end there because I had to recover from this heart attack. I was in the hospital for 2 weeks before I went home. And guess who I called when I got home. Yes, you got it…Renee.  The doctors wanted to perform a triple bypass immediately and I wasn’t ready. I needed to let my body rest and surgery this soon would be too much. I came home with medications but none of them addressed my real issue, plaque in my arteries. I didn’t want to “go around” the problem; I wanted to address my problem.  And I knew just the person who could help me with it and help me she did. Just like with Gordy, Renee told me what products to order and how to take them.

In addition to the meds that the Doctor gave me, I added the products the Renee recommended and I took them on a regular basis. She advised me on what foods to eat and which ones to avoid. When I left the hospital, my heart was pumping approximately 20-25% of its capacity.  Three months later, it was pumping 50% which is low normal and no signs of scar tissue. WOW!

To celebrate my first year of this new life, I am going to have another echocardiogram to check my progress and I am sure it will be good. With Renee’s help, I have not had any pain in the past year and my energy levels have been high. When people meet me, they look at me in amazement because I don’t look like I was ever sick. And I still have not had any surgery.

Everyone needs a “Renee” and you too can have one. We just need to help support her effort to get the education she needs so she can help others like she did with Gordy and I. We are all responsible for our own health and Renee can be there for you along the way when you don’t know what else to do. I am sure glad I did and I plan on being here for a long time to come.

Thank you for letting me share my story .

PS  If you have a family history of heart disease, you need to get someone like Renee to help you NOW. I had a complete physical, including blood tests a month before I died and there were no “red flags”. Renee, with her intuitive skills can help you be preventative. I learned this the “hard” way, you don’t have to.

Jen Maher